Monday, October 1, 2018


So maybe this isn't so weird, but I just found out the other day that my two desk mates don't believe in evolution.

Now, one of them is Catholic (I bugged her with so many questions when I was thinking about converting - she claims she gets 'convert points' for helping bring me in!) and the other is not, but she is a Christian.

And I just...assumed that everyone who wasn't some sort of 'weird' fundamentalist believed in evolution, but I was wrong and I am shocked.

Of course, the Church permits belief in evolution and belief in not-evolution, so it's fine, but I just...

It was a surprise.

And I've realized that I have assumed that evolution is true because I was told that evolution was true and that there was science that proved it but I don't know what that science is. Like, I'm not saying that I don't believe in evolution, just that I know that I don't even know enough about how it has been proven to make an attempt at arguing for it.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Knitting Myself a Mid-Life Crisis

Does it count as a mid-life crisis if you're 36? 

I mean, I don't know. 


So, I got a tattoo today. It's my first tattoo, ever, and I like it a lot. It's a shark with some blue watercolor like background, on my shoulder. We'll see how it goes, but the actual tattoo didn't hurt at all, and the place that I got it done is nice and clean and has an excellent reputation. But I'm already thinking about getting another one. An octopus, wrapping around my arm. In case you were wondering. 

I took the day off of work because the appointment for the tattoo was in the middle of the day, and I have vacation days, so why not? Anyway, I got my hair trimmed - that's one problem with having short hair, is that if you want to keep it up, you have to get it trimmed more often. Long hair is more forgiving of growth. But the woman who cut my hair suggested that I get 'plum violet' highlights - I was at a little walk in place, so they don't do it there, she wasn't trying to like, sell me on spending more money, but I'm thinking about it. 

Like I said. Mid-life crisis. 

Also, I'm starting on knitting a new baby blanket. 

It's....for a surprise. :D

Not ME, so get that right out of your head, but a surprise none the less. So if we're FB friends, mums the word. Because mum doesn't know yet. The announcement is planned for Halloween, because my sister is absolutely related to me. :D

We don't know what sex Surprise will be, so I picked out some nice yellow yarn to make this one. After all, it's tradition at this point. 

The knitting, not the color. But I learned from the last time. Baby weight yarn, but not the super thin kind. Wheee!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

would you time travel to meet Jesus?

So, I don't remember how, but my dad and I were talking about time travel the other day. And again, I don't remember how we got on this, but we were talking about it and he says that he wouldn't ever want to go back in time to meet Jesus.

And I'm not going to say that's not a good idea, because time travel seems problematic for so many, many reasons, but I found *his* vehemence on this point sort of puzzling.

Like, I won't be time traveling to meet anyone, ever. I wouldn't ever specifically point out Jesus as someone I wouldn't want to go see. So I asked why, and his vaguely worded answer was that he was worried he'd be disappointed.

I mean, fair, we're used to certain standards of living that were not possible in the ancient world.

Like A/C and cars and modern hygiene and medicines. To name some that I am personally concerned about.

But disappointed?

I mean...


You basically have two choices.

One, you go back and Jesus is a revolutionary, but not how you imagine Him in your head. There's no way to 'prove' divinity even if you go meet Him. After all, we can rationalize anything and faith is believing in things even when you can't see them.

Two, you go back and Jesus is how you imagine Him. But you're still going on faith that He is God, since, see above.

So why single out Jesus, unless you're concerned that seeing Him as a physical, human person will somehow hurt your faith.

Monday, September 3, 2018

ghosts be gone

I've long been into the paranormal - ghosts and cryptids and the like, but I just had this realization.

So, especially in big famous hauntings, there are stories that everyone tells and they get evidence that supports these stories.

For example, the Myrtles Plantation has a legend about a slave named Chloe and how she tried to win her way back into the favor of her master by 'lightly' poisoning his wife and children so she could nurse them back to health. But of course that goes poorly and they die and she is killed by the other slaves to try and avoid the master's wrath.

And there are all sorts of pictures of her ghost and 'evidence' of her haunting.

Of course the problem is that none of it is true.

You can find historical evidence of when the wife and children of this particular man's wife and/or children died and there's just no proof that Chloe existed let alone that her tragic story is true.

So then what's giving all these people their evidence of her?

There are some people who think it's like a tulpa, which is a concept I cannot totally explain, but basically they mean that the peoples' belief in Chloe's story has created Chloe.

Which seems....questionable. Because where did the story come from? A psychic? Okay, I don't believe in psychics anyway, but I have a hard time with the whole idea that collective thought creates a real thing.

But then I thought, today, I was listening to a ghost podcast, and I thought about what would be running around tricking people like that to believe in these stories and to keep digging deeper and deeper and just....


Hear me out.

We are not supposed to talk to ghosts.

We're not supposed to raise the dead.

And people who ghost hunt tend to have iffy, wobbly ideas about religion and what happens after death. Which they then help to spread.

Who gains?


Not the most complex theory, but um.

I'm not messing with that.

Not today, satan.

*flaps hands wildly*

I have to get rid of all my ghost stuff now.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

New Blog

I miss blogging, ya'll, but I don't think that this blog is really who I am anymore.

I've settled into my faith, I've maybe grown up just a little.

And really what I want to talk about is books - fiction, non fiction, good, bad and ugly.

So I'm starting a new blog where I ramble about books at a predetermined pace.

It's like a book club where I do what I want.

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