Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Do any of you guys ever notice that you have a new follower and wonder, 'Where did you come from? How did you find me? Are you sure you know what you're getting into here? Because I feel like you may not be aware of the insanity that goes on in this space.'? *pokepokepoke*


This was going to be a post about Islam and my trying to figure out why I keep circling it when I have so many other options to vent my religious needs on, but it's too chilly in my office and I just want to leave and get to the gym. And I'm still not sure how to phrase what I'm trying to say. So you get this bit of random instead.


  1. Replies
    1. Well now it's too late. You've encouraged my behavior by responding. You're doomed. :)

      Welcome to the insanity.

  2. Hope your office gets warmer so you can finish that thought! :)

  3. Obviously no pressure, but if you do get to the entry on why you keep circling Islam later I think it will be very interesting to read. :)

    And yes, I do wonder that sort of thing. Pretty much every time I see that someone has started following me anywhere. :D But almost no one has ever un-followed me as far as I can tell, so I guess they were sure!

    1. I keep trying to write it. It's more one reason why I think I keep circling it than a definitive answer and I'm not sure how interesting it'll be to anyone who's not me. But that's never stopped me before. :)

      I have been unfollowed and I don't take it personally or anything, but I do wonder why. Like...did I just hit a level of insanity that was too high? It's never (as far as I can tell) been by someone that I've actually talked to, so I can't figure out what drives the silent masses.

  4. YAY random

    I use to wonder that too. Like "where'd you come from?" Its often people who saw your comments on another blog and though you were interesting.

    I've totally been "unfollowed" before. But when I didn't do what the audience hoped, they got mad LOL "You didn't convert?!" Unfollow.

    1. Randomness should happen on a more scheduled basis! :p

      Yeah...but then I try to think about where I've been lately and what I've been saying. Have I been being all adult-like and responsible? Or really goofy?

      Yes, well. You did totally *owe it* to them to convert after teasing us with it for so long. Really. *huffs* ;)

    2. "You didn't convert?!" Unfollow. -- Too funny,LK! :)

      Amber, I know one of my friends decided to stop following people publicly because she didn't want others to know who she was reading. She still reads, I think, because she replies occasionally, but she just got rid of the Blogger "follow" feature. So there are those as well.

    3. Huh. True. I forget about the lurkers. I just can't bother to care what people think of what I read I guess.

      I do what I want!


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