Clearly I'm not very good at posting daily.
Such is life.
I know I'm a homebody kind of a person and I tend to only go places that I already know - I take the same roads to work and back, etc.
Last night I decided that I wanted Panera for dinner and the one in North Port has a drive through. It's only one exit north of the exit I get off for my house so I figured it'd be fastest and easiest to just take 75 and get off on that next exit.
Which I have never done before.
As soon as I passed *my* exit and I was in unfamiliar territory this is how I felt:
Basically, I am a hobbit and hobbits are me.
In totally unrelated news, I also got lost. Because I lack a sense of direction and I turned right instead of left. But I *realized* that I was lost without the aid of a wizard or dwarves of any kind.
So we're counting this as a win.
Hooray for going to an unfamiliar area...hahah! Hope it was good. :)