Tuesday, February 7, 2012

That is *not* right!

I would like someone to please explain to me what thought process would lead a man to believe that the appropriate response to being informed that his flirtatious approaches to a woman at the gym are not welcome is to come up while the woman is on the treadmill and make sexual gestures at her.

No, it was not me this happened to, and no, I did not see it. If it had been, or I had, I would already have complained and the man would be banned from the gym.

I can't decide which part pisses me off more: that the man thought this was an acceptable thing to do or that the woman didn't report it. Or, or, that she was so freaking *shocked* when it was mentioned to her that she could, in fact, complain about his behavior. Like the thought had never occurred to her that she had another path to take rather than just take it and try to rebuff him herself. *twitches*

I just- I don't even have the coherency to make a rant about this. I'm too pissed for words and that *never* happens.


  1. That is jacked. What universe are we living in that a woman doesn't think she has the right to report a man when he persists in making advances after she's already made it clear she's not interested? I think it's this idea that a person is a "snitch" for reporting someone who is doing something wrong, so she'll stand there and take this guy's lewd, rude behavior rather than appear to be a "snitch". Freaking sad. I'd teach that guy a lesson in manners and throw his butt out of the gym. But then, this is why I work out at a women's only gym. No men there in the first place.

    1. I would have jumped off the treadmill right there and reported him. No way will I put up with that sort of thing.

      I'd work out at a women's only gym except that a) we don't have one and b) even if we did, I love my trainer. The gym I go to is really very nice and anyone who displays this sort of behavior is banned immediately. They have a no tolerance policy on such things, as they should. But they can't do anything if no one tells them about it!

  2. I'd have reported him for sure. We need to teach women that they deserve respect.

    1. So would I. I really have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that there are women who *wouldn't* report that behavior.

  3. Gosh, I can't believe this. I'd def have reported him as well. Some people are just unbelievable.


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