Monday, December 3, 2012

The Project has been chosen! no thanks to you lot...

Because you all are *terribly unhelpful* I flipped a coin. :p

Possibly I should have made sure to spell out in the last post that I intend to go through both books I was just trying to figure out which one to do first. That might have made you guys more helpful. :)

So I flipped a coin and the Qur'an it is.

I have my last class of the semester tomorrow night and I need to finish up my speech and project for that tonight. Because honestly the class is a) not that hard b) not that engaging and c) I'm a procrastinator from the old school. So my plan is to start reading Tuesday night or so, depending on how long the last class is.

Now to think up a tag for the project...*hates naming things*

Also, you may have noticed a change in background.

Welcome to Rivendell.

The Hobbit comes out on December 14th. I'll be attending the midnight premier and playing myself as a zombie during the work day on Friday.

After that we will likely switch to Les Miserables for a theme, unless I'm having really very intense Hobbit based fangirl feels. Which, let's be honest, is likely.

You're welcome.


  1. If I would've known you were doing them all, I would've suggested chronologically.

    1. See? I *knew* that would have changed some of your answers! :)

      Hmmm...I like doing things chronologically, but the fates have already decided...

  2. Good idea! I would've voted for Qur'an. It's definitely something I'll be more interested in reading from you so yay

    1. Thank you. I totally stole the idea. :D

      I'll look forward to your comments if you have any!

  3. The blog looks nice! Can't wait to read your posts on the Quran!


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