Friday, January 20, 2012

Actual Lunch Time Conversation

Discussion goes from how much menstrual cramps suck to how it's still preferable to having to sit on your junk every day. From there:

Me: They're just so *ugly*. (in re: penises. Because they are. Don't lie. They're not aesthetically pleasing and you know it.)

G: I know! All dangly and wrinkled...ugh. So much better having everything on the inside.

Me: It's a design flaw. I know the Bible has that whole thing about God noticing Adam was lonely and giving him a girlfriend, but really, it's God correcting the problems in the first release. We're Human 2.0.

G: *laughs*

Me: The first time Adam got kicked by the...the freaking *horse* or tripped over something. God went... "Hmmm....that's going to be a problem. We'll fix it and release a new version."

This all being accompanied by much laughter and hand gestures as we mime flipping the penis inside out and tucking it inside. Because we're five and we had the lunch room to ourselves. Ten minutes later a guy came in and couldn't understand why we were having so much fun. :D


  1. haha I love this. 2.0. And yes they are very ugly...bad design move indeed.

    1. :D

      It's just such a bad idea from a practical point of view. At the very least it could have been designed to like...retract like a dogs or something.

  2. Oh,i can imagine the laughter!!! And the guy wondering WHY! :)

  3. ROFLMBO! "Human 2.0"! I'm so telling one of my girlfriends about this. She'll die laughing and totally agree. XD

  4. Hahahaha I love it. Do you watch Mr Deity? Your talk reminded me about this episode on the 'naughty bits':

    1. Never even heard of the guy! I'll have to check that out later! Thanks!

  5. Oh gosh, you're missing out, I LOVE Mr Deity :P

    Although I wouldn't recommend him to anyone who's very religious and gets easily offended, but I wouldn't put you in that category, and I think you'll enjoy him :)


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