Tuesday, March 20, 2012

We have baby!

YAY! *does crazy Kermit the frog run around the building*

So, Evesdottir arrived yesterday at 7 lbs, 11 ozs and from all accounts very healthy. :)

*proceeds to spoil honorary niece rotten*


  1. aw congratulations to everyone! I love a good baby hugging and squeezing. Actually, I find it quite hard to give them back. so I dont tend to hold them till they are a lot bigger. 3 months etc.

    (secretly really want a baby... le sigh)

  2. Hurray! I remember you saying that the baby was due the first day of spring. I'm impressed it's right on time! My sister and I were both very early, I've kind of gotten it in my head based on that limited experience that babies never actually come when the doctors say they will.

    Does Kermit have a particular way of running? Looks like I'll have to hit up Youtube and find out what that means!

  3. So March 19? My mom's birthday. :) Congrats to you and your friends!


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