I've been working on this for a while but just never gotten around to finishing it up. It's hard for me to distill what I love about a book into a single post and not spoil the story in the process. I sometimes feel as though everyone should have read everything that I've read already so that I can just talk about them!
The novel is set ten years after 9/11 and centers around the efforts to design and build a memorial on the site where the towers once stood. The decision has been made to have the memorial chosen by jury, through an anonymous contest. When the book begins the jury has whittled the choices down to two.
The Void: "There was nothing void-like about it. A towering black granite rectangle, some twelve stories high, centered in a huge oval pool, it came off in the drawings as a great gash against the sky. The names of the dead were to be carved onto its surface, which would reflect into the water below."
and The Garden: "The concept was simple: a walled, square garden guided by rigorous geometry. At the center would be a raised pavilion meant for contemplation. Two broad, perpendicular canals quartered the six-acre space. Pathways within each quadrant imposed a grid on the trees, both living and steel, that were studded in orchard-like rows. A white perimeter wall, eighteen feet high, enclosed the entire space. The victims would be listed on the wall's interior, their named pattered to mimic the geometric cladding of the destroyed buildings. The steel trees reincarnated the buildings even more literally: they would be made from their salvaged scraps."
The jury, composed of artists, architects, historians and political appointees, is divided almost evenly between the two designs. Ariana, a self-important artist and critic, is set on the Void. Claire, the only family member of one of the victims on the jury, feels that it is too dark, too obscure, to bring anything to the families for whom the memorial will mean the most. She wants the Garden. She has promised her son the Garden - a place where he can go to find something of the father he has lost.
The two women lobby among the other jurors and then a final vote is taken.
Claire wins out and the Garden is chosen as the design for the memorial. Then, the reading of the winning architects name: Mohammed Khan.
The novel is told from multiple points of view, though the two main storytellers are Claire and Khan himself. From the moment that his name is revealed, there are people who want him to withdraw or be disqualified as 'unsuitable' for no reason other than that he is a Muslim. The story is 'accidentally' leaked to the press before the jury can decide what to do - Claire says that he won, so he won but others look at it from a wider point of view, anticipating the public reaction to a memorial built by a Muslim on that site.
I have to say, one of the things I like best about this novel is that none of the characters are innocent. They're not bad people, though an exception for me would be the leader of Save America From Islam (SAFI), Debbie Dawson. She's a representative of the real world anti-Islamic hate groups.
Claire, who starts out as a staunch supporter of the Garden and Khan 'no matter what', finds herself the target of the anger of some of the other families. She begins to question whether it's worth it, whether what the people are saying about Khan might be true. All she wants, at the core of things, is to be able to give her children something of their father to hold on to.
"As she walked to the front door from her car, she spotted what looked like a homeless man's encampment beneath the copper beech. Moving closer, she saw, in the milky light cast by house and moon, a box of Raisin Bran ("Daddy's favorite," she told the children, although she was no longer sure that Cal had loved Raisin Bran, only that saying so got William and Penelope to eat it); a pile of books pillaged from Cal's study; a stray tennis racket; his $2,000 wedding tuxedo - all of it arranged around the cairn. A child's necromancy; William believing he could coax the stones to life, or his father home."
Khan, who is a victim not only of the prejudice and cruelty of the people around him, but also of his own hubris and refusal to bend. He is not combative, precisely, but he is ambitious and willing to betray the trust of his closest friend in order to get the recognition that he deserves. He is saved from being only an overly ambitious artist by the fact that he does none of it out of cruelty. Or if he does, it's more like a child's unthinking need to be recognized than any sort of adult viciousness.
Sean, one of the family members opposed to the Garden once Khan's name is revealed, does some of the worst damage in the novel. He attacks a Muslim woman at a protest, yanking on her hijab and setting off a wave of similar attacks throughout the city. He comes off as petty, from the outside, but in the sections of the novel told from his point of view you come to see that he is a man whose life was destroyed long before the Tower's fell. He gained a purpose in life that day - taking the place of his older brother who was killed - but that purpose is wearing on him. He disappoints his mother simply by being himself, by not being Patrick and he spends most of the novel, you come to understand, flailing around, trying to find something to hold on to.
"His brother, Patrick, was somewhere here and Sean was conscious of wanting, a little too much, to be the one to find him, and of fearing he might not recognize him if he did. They hadn't seen each other in months, and Sean kept trying to call up Patrick's face, only to realize, as they came upon damaged bodies, that the faces of memory and death might not match."
The language of the novel is so wonderfully rich. There are some books that you feel as though they have so much weight that they should be real. For me, this is one of those. It's painful in places, to read about the blindness and anger that so many of the characters carry - born of the pain of loss for so many of them, and know that it is so true to life.
One of my favorite passages comes from Zahira, the woman whose hijab Sean yanked in an attempt to make himself relevant:
""Really?" Zahira said. "I thought it was just a garden. Honestly, Sean, even if it has elements in common with traditional Islamic gardens, that doesn't mean it's a paradise. And if he were consciously trying to invoke the afterlife, how do you know he's trying to encourage terrorists? For all you know he's reminding Muslims that we'll never reach paradise if we do what they did. Why is my theory any more far-fetched than yours?"
"Sean had no answer. She went on: "But for me, no architect can create paradise. Only God can. When Muslims think about paradise, the hope we feel about getting there, the exhilaration at the possibility - it's not about trees, or silks, or jewels, or beautiful women or boys or whatever you've been led to believe. It's about God. God. The description of paradise in the Quran is just a way to convey to our limited imaginations the ecstasy we will feel in God's presence. That's what should inspire us to live correctly.""
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Snakes are ninjas. Or possibly ghosts.
We have a fenced in (mostly) cement slab on our property. It's meant to be a basketball/volleyball court, but we don't really use it. The plan is to eventually build a barn in that space. So for now it just sits there.
I feed Yard Cat over there, so I pay attention to the space more than anyone else in the family. And we have a ninja snake. It's a snake that climbs the fence (which they do) and then vanishes into thin freaking air. I want to get a picture of it because snakes climbing fences is really neat to watch. But he's never there when I actually have my camera on me and when I do see him and run back to get my camera, he's *gone*. And I can't figure out where he's disappearing to. Snakes are fast, yes, but he's climbing *up* the fence. So I don't know where he's going along the fence. It has vines, but it's not so overgrown that I can't see through them to the fence itself. *frowns*
He's either a ninja or a phantom snake. I'm not sure which.
I feed Yard Cat over there, so I pay attention to the space more than anyone else in the family. And we have a ninja snake. It's a snake that climbs the fence (which they do) and then vanishes into thin freaking air. I want to get a picture of it because snakes climbing fences is really neat to watch. But he's never there when I actually have my camera on me and when I do see him and run back to get my camera, he's *gone*. And I can't figure out where he's disappearing to. Snakes are fast, yes, but he's climbing *up* the fence. So I don't know where he's going along the fence. It has vines, but it's not so overgrown that I can't see through them to the fence itself. *frowns*
He's either a ninja or a phantom snake. I'm not sure which.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
I Need a Mature, Adult Opinion. Or Five.
The 'mature' clearly leaves my own opinion out of the running.
So, Avengers. I may be obsessed. You may have noticed.
It's being released on disc on September 25th. I already have it preordered.
Also coming out of September 25th is the Phase One set.
Which looks like this:
It's a Tesseract!!!!!!!!!!!! With EXTRA THINGS! *rolls around in nerdiness*
*takes deep, calming breaths*
So here's the thing. The Avengers bluray is like...$25.
The shiny collection of shininess and all things wonderful, my god, give it to me *noooowwwwwwwwwww* is $140. And I already own all the movies except for the Avengers, and whatever is on the extra disk.
The THING OF AWESOME is in my cart on Amazon. The bluray is already preordered.
I need someone to talk me down from buying the THING OF AWESOME that I don't really need.
So, Avengers. I may be obsessed. You may have noticed.
It's being released on disc on September 25th. I already have it preordered.
Also coming out of September 25th is the Phase One set.
Which looks like this:
It's a Tesseract!!!!!!!!!!!! With EXTRA THINGS! *rolls around in nerdiness*
*takes deep, calming breaths*
So here's the thing. The Avengers bluray is like...$25.
The shiny collection of shininess and all things wonderful, my god, give it to me *noooowwwwwwwwwww* is $140. And I already own all the movies except for the Avengers, and whatever is on the extra disk.
The THING OF AWESOME is in my cart on Amazon. The bluray is already preordered.
I need someone to talk me down from buying the THING OF AWESOME that I don't really need.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Read all the books!
Absolutely stolen from Becky's blog!
I'm sort of procrastinating here. I meant to do a post about the last book I finished, The Submission by Amy Waldman but I keep staring at the blinking cursor, thinking: How do I tell them to read the book? I have so many *feelings* about it and I need to quote all these parts without giving anything away because it's so beautiful. And so I just stare, and feel all the feels.
Therefore, book related goofing off!
This is a list of books, via LibraryThing (which, full disclosure, I use to catalogue my books and love), of the 100 Books that the BBC thinks everyone should read. I've read 54, so a little over half of the list. Though I do question why Hamlet and the complete works of William Shakespeare are both listed. If you've read the complete works of Shakespeare, you've read Hamlet. But whatever.
It's an interesting list, heavy on the British side of things, but since it's coming from the BBC this shouldn't surprise anyone. The inclusion of Dracula but the exclusion of Dr. Jekyll and Mister Hyde, Frankenstein or The Hunchback of Notre Dame is curious to me, as is the lack of anything by Poe. And there's a distinct lack of theological texts, barring the inclusion of the Bible.
Put an ‘x’ next to those you have read.
[X] 1 Pride and Prejudice
- Jane Austen
[X] 2 The Lord of the Rings
- JRR Tolkien
[X] 3 Jane Eyre
- Charlotte Bronte
[X] 4 Harry Potter
series – JK Rowling
[X] 5 To Kill a Mockingbird
- Harper Lee
[X ] 6 The Bible
- God
[X] 7 Wuthering Heights
- Emily Bronte
[X] 8 Nineteen Eighty Four
- George Orwell
[ ] 9 His Dark Materials
- Philip Pullman
[X ] 10 Great Expectations
- Charles Dickens
Total: 9
[X] 11 Little Women
- Louisa May Alcott
[ ] 12 Tess of the D’Urbervilles
- Thomas Hardy
[X] 13 Catch 22
- Joseph Heller
[X] 14 Complete Works of Shakespeare
[ ] 15 Rebecca
- Daphne Du Maurier
[X] 16 The Hobbit
- JRR Tolkien
[ ] 17 Birdsong
- Sebastian Faulks
[X] 18 Catcher in the Rye
- JD Salinger
[ ] 19 The Time Traveler’s Wife
- Audrey Niffenegger
[ ] 20 Middlemarch
- George Eliot
Total: 5
[X] 21 Gone With The Wind
- Margaret Mitchell
[X] 22 The Great Gatsby
- F Scott Fitzgerald
[X] 23 Bleak House
- Charles Dickens
[ ] 24 War and Peace
- Leo Tolstoy
[X] 25 The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
- Douglas Adams
[X] 27 Crime and Punishment
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
[X] 28 Grapes of Wrath
- John Steinbeck
[ ] 29 Alice in Wonderland
- Lewis Carroll
[X] 30 The Wind in the Willows
- Kenneth Grahame
Total: 7
[X] 31 Anna Karenina
- Leo Tolstoy
[ ] 32 David Copperfield
- Charles Dickens
[ ] 33 Chronicles of Narnia
- CS Lewis
[X] 34 Emma
- Jane Austen
[X] 35 Persuasion
- Jane Austen
[ ] 36 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
- CS Lewis
[X] 37 The Kite Runner
- Khaled Hosseini
[ ] 38 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin
- Louis De Bernieres
[X] 39 Memoirs of a Geisha
- Arthur Golden
[] 40 Winnie the Pooh
- AA Milne
Total: 5
[X] 41 Animal Farm
- George Orwellx
[X] 42 The Da Vinci Code
- Dan Brown
[] 43 One Hundred Years of Solitude
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
[ ] 44 A Prayer for Owen Meany
- John Irving
[ ] 45 The Woman in White
- Wilkie Collins
[X] 46 Anne of Green Gables
- LM Montgomery
[ ] 47 Far From The Madding Crowd
- Thomas Hardy
[ ] 48 The Handmaid’s Tale
- Margaret Atwood
[X] 49 Lord of the Flies
- William Golding
[ ] 50 Atonement
- Ian McEwan
Total: 4
[ ] 51 Life of Pi
- Yann Martel
[X] 52 Dune
- Frank Herbert
[ ] 53 Cold Comfort Farm
- Stella Gibbons
[X] 54 Sense and Sensibility
- Jane Austen
[ ] 55 A Suitable Boy
- Vikram Seth
[ ] 56 The Shadow of the Wind
- Carlos Ruiz Zafon
[X] 57 A Tale Of Two Cities
- Charles Dickens
[ ] 58 Brave New World
- Aldous Huxley
[ ] 59 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night
- Mark Haddon
[ ] 60 Love In The Time Of Cholera
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Total: 3
[X] 61 Of Mice and Men
- John Steinbeck
[X] 62 Lolita
- Vladimir Nabokov
[] 63 The Secret History
- Donna Tartt
[X] 64 The Lovely Bones
- Alice Sebold
[X] 65 Count of Monte Cristo
- Alexandre Dumas
[ ] 66 On The Road
- Jack Kerouac
[ ] 67 Jude the Obscure
- Thomas Hardy
[X] 68 Bridget Jones’s Diary
- Helen Fielding
[ ] 69 Midnight’s Children
- Salman Rushdie
[X ] 70 Moby Dick
- Herman Melville
Total: 6
[X ] 71 Oliver Twist
- Charles Dickens
[X] 72 Dracula
- Bram Stoker
[X ] 73 The Secret Garden
- Frances Hodgson Burnett
[ ] 74 Notes From A Small Island
- Bill Bryson
[ X] 75 Ulysses
- James Joyce
[X ] 76 The Inferno
- Dante
[ ] 77 Swallows and Amazons
- Arthur Ransome
[ ] 78 Germinal
- Emile Zola
[ ] 79 Vanity Fair
- William Makepeace Thackeray
[ ] 80 Possession
- AS Byatt
Total: 5
[X] 81 A Christmas Carol
- Charles Dickens
[ ] 82 Cloud Atlas
- David Mitchell
[ ] 83 The Color Purple
- Alice Walker
[ ] 84 The Remains of the Day
- Kazuo Ishiguro
[ ] 85 Madame Bovary
- Gustave Flaubert
[ ] 86 A Fine Balance
- Rohinton Mxistry
[X] 87 Charlotte’s Web
- EB White
[] 88 The Five People You Meet In Heaven
- Mitch Albom
[X ] 89 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
[] 90 The Faraway Tree Collection
- Enid Blyton
Total: 3
[X] 91 Heart of Darkness
- Joseph Conrad
[X ] 92 The Little Prince
- Antoine De Saint-Exupery
[] 93 The Wasp Factory
- Iain Banks
[X] 94 Watership Down
- Richard Adams
[] 95 A Confederacy of Dunces
- John Kennedy Toole
[ ] 96 A Town Like Alice
- Nevil Shute
[X ] 97 The Three Musketeers
- Alexandre Dumas
[X ] 98 Hamlet
- William Shakespeare
[X] 99 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Roald Dahl
[X ] 100 Les Miserables
- Victor Hugo *
Total: 7
Total read ~54
![]() |
In my dreams, my personal library looks something like this. |
Therefore, book related goofing off!
This is a list of books, via LibraryThing (which, full disclosure, I use to catalogue my books and love), of the 100 Books that the BBC thinks everyone should read. I've read 54, so a little over half of the list. Though I do question why Hamlet and the complete works of William Shakespeare are both listed. If you've read the complete works of Shakespeare, you've read Hamlet. But whatever.
It's an interesting list, heavy on the British side of things, but since it's coming from the BBC this shouldn't surprise anyone. The inclusion of Dracula but the exclusion of Dr. Jekyll and Mister Hyde, Frankenstein or The Hunchback of Notre Dame is curious to me, as is the lack of anything by Poe. And there's a distinct lack of theological texts, barring the inclusion of the Bible.
Put an ‘x’ next to those you have read.
[X] 1 Pride and Prejudice
[X] 2 The Lord of the Rings
[X] 3 Jane Eyre
[X] 4 Harry Potter
[X] 5 To Kill a Mockingbird
[X ] 6 The Bible
[X] 7 Wuthering Heights
[X] 8 Nineteen Eighty Four
[ ] 9 His Dark Materials
[X ] 10 Great Expectations
Total: 9
[X] 11 Little Women
[ ] 12 Tess of the D’Urbervilles
[X] 13 Catch 22
[X] 14 Complete Works of Shakespeare
[ ] 15 Rebecca
[X] 16 The Hobbit
[ ] 17 Birdsong
[X] 18 Catcher in the Rye
[ ] 19 The Time Traveler’s Wife
[ ] 20 Middlemarch
Total: 5
[X] 21 Gone With The Wind
[X] 22 The Great Gatsby
[X] 23 Bleak House
[ ] 24 War and Peace
[X] 25 The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
[X] 27 Crime and Punishment
[X] 28 Grapes of Wrath
[ ] 29 Alice in Wonderland
[X] 30 The Wind in the Willows
Total: 7
[X] 31 Anna Karenina
[ ] 32 David Copperfield
[ ] 33 Chronicles of Narnia
[X] 34 Emma
[X] 35 Persuasion
[ ] 36 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
[X] 37 The Kite Runner
[ ] 38 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin
[X] 39 Memoirs of a Geisha
[] 40 Winnie the Pooh
Total: 5
[X] 41 Animal Farm
[X] 42 The Da Vinci Code
[] 43 One Hundred Years of Solitude
[ ] 44 A Prayer for Owen Meany
[ ] 45 The Woman in White
[X] 46 Anne of Green Gables
[ ] 47 Far From The Madding Crowd
[ ] 48 The Handmaid’s Tale
[X] 49 Lord of the Flies
[ ] 50 Atonement
Total: 4
[ ] 51 Life of Pi
[X] 52 Dune
[ ] 53 Cold Comfort Farm
[X] 54 Sense and Sensibility
[ ] 55 A Suitable Boy
[ ] 56 The Shadow of the Wind
[X] 57 A Tale Of Two Cities
[ ] 58 Brave New World
[ ] 59 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night
[ ] 60 Love In The Time Of Cholera
Total: 3
[X] 61 Of Mice and Men
[X] 62 Lolita
[] 63 The Secret History
[X] 64 The Lovely Bones
[X] 65 Count of Monte Cristo
[ ] 66 On The Road
[ ] 67 Jude the Obscure
[X] 68 Bridget Jones’s Diary
[ ] 69 Midnight’s Children
[X ] 70 Moby Dick
Total: 6
[X ] 71 Oliver Twist
[X] 72 Dracula
[X ] 73 The Secret Garden
[ ] 74 Notes From A Small Island
[ X] 75 Ulysses
[X ] 76 The Inferno
[ ] 77 Swallows and Amazons
[ ] 78 Germinal
[ ] 79 Vanity Fair
[ ] 80 Possession
Total: 5
[X] 81 A Christmas Carol
[ ] 82 Cloud Atlas
[ ] 83 The Color Purple
[ ] 84 The Remains of the Day
[ ] 85 Madame Bovary
[ ] 86 A Fine Balance
[X] 87 Charlotte’s Web
[] 88 The Five People You Meet In Heaven
[X ] 89 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
[] 90 The Faraway Tree Collection
Total: 3
[X] 91 Heart of Darkness
[X ] 92 The Little Prince
[] 93 The Wasp Factory
[X] 94 Watership Down
[] 95 A Confederacy of Dunces
[ ] 96 A Town Like Alice
[X ] 97 The Three Musketeers
[X ] 98 Hamlet
[X] 99 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
[X ] 100 Les Miserables
Total: 7
Total read ~54
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