Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Today is the Feast of the Theophany (or Epiphany, to some, though that really more refers to the coming of the Magi to Christ in the cradle, which happens to fall on the same day, even though it's apparently being celebrated this coming Sunday, according to the missalette I was looking at...). It is the feast commemorating the Baptism of Christ, and the appearance of God (which is what theophany means, by the by), the revelation of the Holy Trinity to the world. (For Biblical references, see Mt.3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22 - all of which tell the story of Christ's baptism by St. John the Forerunner (or Baptist, to some) in the Jordan.


  1. So I can take my Christmas tree down now? LOL

  2. It is also happens that it is No.1 son's birthday. He is 29 today... :0D ohhh I feel REALLY REALLY old.. sob

  3. LK,

    Yes. Christmas season is officially over today! So take down the tree!

  4. Ahavah,

    Well then, happy birthday No. 1 son! Hah. My mom feels old, my baby sister just turned 22. I keep telling her to wait three years for when I turn 30. *Then* she can feel old. :)

  5. Still working on Nativity over here... ;-)

  6. Anna,

    Huh? When does the Nativity end, then? Or am I missing something...

  7. Old Calendar folks are celebrating tonight...13 days after the other people. :-)

  8. Ahhh...okay. The calendar I was looking at is, obviously, New Calendar. (I haven't even looked at the whole Old vs. New issue yet. I know there're the two groups, but other than that, nada. I figure that's something for much later.)

    In that case, Blessed Nativity and Merry Christmas!


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