Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dr. No - All the Great Men are Maniacs

"You are right, Mister Bond. That is just what I am, a maniac. All the greatest men are maniacs. They are possessed by a mania which drives them forward towards their goal. The great scientists, the philosophers, the religious leaders - all maniacs. What else but a blind singleness of purpose could have given focus to their genius, would have kept them in the groove of their purpose? Mania, my dear Mister Bond, is as priceless as genius. Dissipation of energy, fragmentation of vision, loss of momentum, the lack of follow-through - these are the vices of the herd."

And this is why the books are *so* much better than the movies. I get to read stuff like this, and reflect on how true to really kind of is.


  1. "The great scientists, the philosophers, the religious leaders - all maniacs. What else but a blind singleness of purpose could have given focus to their genius, would have kept them in the groove of their purpose?"

    Wow! Good stuff! What a loaded quote - I like it!

  2. See, reading the books, I suddenly understand why Bond was so popular. I never really got into the movies, except for the last two with Daniel Craig, but the books are *excellent*.


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