Wednesday, November 10, 2010

NaNo Week 2 - NO EDITING!

I have this terrible urge to go back and start editing. I know that there are parts that I'm not particularly happy with. Bits that I'd like to change. Places where I think that Harry might be a bit OOC.

I will resist this urge. Editing is for after NaNo is over. Then I can go back after taking a break from it, read and edit. Tighten it all up. Fix any OOC bits I notice.

And really, it's not OOC for Harry to sacrifice himself for the safety of others. It's just that he's doing it without blood shed this time, and for a far greater number of people. I think it's just bugging me that I want him to be Harry, but he also needs to not smash things into kindling. After all, he and Marcone wind up together in the end. I like to think of this as Harry being a grown-up and 'taking one for the team' a little.


  1. I want him to be Harry, but he also needs to not smash things into kindling.


    That does make things difficult.

  2. It does! Mostly because he's Harry and smashing things is sort of his default.

    You know, 'Harry smash!' *giggle* Though I'm placing this after Turn Coat and I think Harry's getting better at being more subtle and less smashey all the time.


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