Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

The *best* holiday of the year is here! Most of my day has been pretty ordinary, but I'm going to go get dressed for my friends party.

I'll be hanging out there most of the night, having fun, watching horror movies - some good, some bad.

I'm going as Temari from Naruto:

The right hand outfit, not the left. It's sort of a recycle from a couple of old costumes, though I did have to make the headband and the giant fan. No, the giant fan is not an actual giant fan. I'm not *that* dedicated to the costume. Maybe if I was cosplaying her, but not right now. My only issue is her hair. I can't get my hair quite that pointy! There's not enough hair gel in the world, apparently. :)

But anyway. Party, handing out candy to the Trick or Treat-ers, then home because I have to go back to work tomorrow. Though I don't know how much sleep I'm actually going to get. I assume that I'll still be up at midnight because I never miss Halloween's midnight! And then I can start on my NaNoWriMo. :) So much fun!


  1. Oo, nice. Good costume! Have fun w/all your Halloween activities. :)

  2. Have fun! Hope to see a picture of you in costume. :)

  3. Common make the fan. you know you want to. LOL

  4. sanil,

    Thanks! We had lots of fun. :)

  5. Susanne,

    It was fun. I didn't take any pictures though. I mean I'm sure there's some from the party but...yeah.

    I probably won't put up pics just because it's not really a costume costume. It's not cosplay level which means I'm not proud of it. it turned out good, but yeah. I'd have to make the headband for real - with metal etching and everything and I really would have to make a working fan and all that.

  6. LK,

    Oh, I totally want to make the fan. But I decided on Temari too late in the game to actually make the fan. The thing is *huge* and there just wasn't time. Maybe at a later point. :)


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