Sunday, August 22, 2010

'Houses of the Holy' and the Expendables

Given what happens in later seasons, I find Houses of the Holy increasingly ironic. Though I do have to say, they kept the arrival of the 'angel' fairly consistent with the later arrival of angels. The light, the shaking, the electrical issues. All it lacks is the ear splitting/bleeding 'feedback'. Though one could argue that that would be because all the people were those capable of hearing the angels talk. It'd kind of be in line with angelic behavior, too. Them being such dicks and all. Also, hell, that crypt has the *exact same statues* in pretty much the same layout as the convent in season four! Oh, Sammy, you hang onto that faith. We're going to need it to be there so we can crush it into dust, mix it with demon blood, and finger paint with it later.

Hah! Hadda thought! The last bad guy. The way he died. Cas totally was hanging around and smote him for Dean.

Mary Winchester to WeeDean: Angels are watching over you.

Audience: Waiting to steal your body!

oldPriest: Men cannot be angels.

Me: No, but they can be worn like suits by 'em!

re: The Expendables - There's a lot of really massively huge men, beating the crap out of other really massively huge men, and blowing shit up in insane ways. Plot does not matterexist.

Best part? I got to see one of these

in 'action'.

Amber like big gun. Make big boom! YAY BOOM!


  1. "Oh, Sammy, you hang onto that faith. We're going to need it to be there so we can crush it into dust, mix it with demon blood, and finger paint with it later."

    Love that line. :D And this whole entry. "YAY BOOM!"

    I loved that episode, but haven't watched it in quite awhile. I think I need to go back to the library and get the DVDs again. Woo, finding distractions from schoolwork right from the start of the semester.

  2. It's a secret (though not really, since I talk about it), that I have a thing for guns and explosions. My inner redneck, perhaps? But, yeah. I descend into monosyllabic joy, which basically translates into: BOOM! YAY BOOM! *lol*

    HoH is a really good ep. Sort of the first introduction of the question of where is the 'good' side of the supernatural? I just watched Tall Tales last night, for the millionth time. :)


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